ISSTA 2015 Schedule
- CHESE Workshop
- Doctoral Consortium
Wednesday — Friday
- Main technical program. All sessions in Chesapeake I jump to ... ››Wednesday ››Thursday ››Friday
- SIGSOFT community meeting Wednesday 5:15 (Chesapeake I)
- Banquet Wednesday 6:30-8 (McHenry)
- Daniel Jackson, M.I.T.,
What is a software design and can it
be analyzed?
(Wednesday) -
Yuanyuan Zhou, U.C.S.D., The gap between
research and practice
ISSTA 2015 Main Program Schedule

Alex Groce
- Evaluating the Usefulness of IR-Based Fault Localization Techniques. Qianqian Wang, Chris Parnin and Alessandro Orso (Georgia Tech, USA; North Carolina State University, USA) [slides]
- Proactive Detection of Inadequate Diagnostic Messages for Software Configuration Errors. Sai Zhang and Michael D. Ernst (University of Washington, USA)
- An Analysis of Patch Plausibility and Correctness for Generate-And-Validate Patch Generation Systems. Zichao Qi, Fan Long, Sara Achour and Martin Rinard (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA) [slides]
Lunch (provided)
Web Security
William G.J. Halfond
- BrowserAudit: Automated Testing of Browser Security Features. Charlie Hothersall-Thomas, Sergio Maffeis and Chris Novakovic (Netcraft, UK; Imperial College London, UK)
- Detection and Classiffication of Malicious JavaScript via Attack Behavior Modelling. Yinxing Xue, Junjie Wang, Yang Liu, Hao Xiao, Jun Sun and Mahinthan Chandramohan (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore; Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore)
- Experience Report: An Empirical Study of PHP Security Mechanism Usage. Johannes Dahse and Thorsten Holz (Ruhr University Bochum, Germany) [slides]
Formal Demos
Cristian Cadar
- Dynamic Taint Tracking for Java with Phosphor. Jonathan Bell and Gail Kaiser (Columbia University, USA)
- SAMC: A Model Checker for Finding Concurrency Bugs in Distributed Systems. Tanakorn Leesatapornwongsa and Haryadi S. Gunawi. (University of Chicago, USA)
- CanaryAdvisor — a Statistical-Based Tool for Canary Testing. Alexander Tarvo, Peter Sweeney, Nick Mitchell, V.T. Rajan, Matthew Arnold and Ioana Baldini (IBM Research, USA)
- TSTL: a Language and Tool for Testing. Alex Groce, Jervis Pinto, Pooria Azimi and Pranjal Mittal (Oregon State University, USA)
- BrowserAudit: Automated Testing of Browser Security Features Charlie Hothersall-Thomas, Sergio Maffeis and Chris Novakovic (Netcraft, UK; Imperial College London, UK)
- Feedback-controlled Random Test Generation Kohsuke Yatoh, Kazunori Sakamoto, Fuyuki Ishikawa and Shinichi Honiden (University of Tokyo, Japan; National Institute of Informatics, Japan) — Best artifact award [slides]
Mobile/Web Analysis
Myra Cohen
- WuKong: A Scalable and Accurate Two-Phase Approach to Android App Clone Detection. Haoyu Wang, Yao Guo, Ziang Ma and Xiangqun Chen (Peking University, China)
- Systematic Execution of Android Test Suites in Adverse Conditions. Christoffer Quist Adamsen, Gianluca Mezzetti and Anders Møller (Aarhus University, Denmark) — ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper [slides]
- DLint: Dynamically Checking Bad Coding Practices in JavaScript. Liang Gong, Michael Pradel, Manu Sridharan and Koushik Sen (University of California at Berkeley, USA; TU Darmstadt, Germany; Samsung Research, USA)
Keynote: Yuanyuan Zhou
Tao Xie
- The gap between research and practice
Mobile Security
Alessandro Orso
- Scalable and Precise Taint Analysis for Android. Wei Huang, Yao Dong, Ana Milanova and Julian Dolby (Google, USA; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA; IBM Research, USA) [slides]
- Dynamic Detection of Inter-application Communication Vulnerabilities in Android. Roee Hay, Omer Tripp and Marco Pistoia (IBM, Israel; IBM Research, USA)
- Modelgen: Mining Explicit Information Flow Specifications from Concrete Executions. Lazaro Clapp, Saswat Anand and Alex Aiken (Stanford University, USA) [slides]
Lunch (provided)
Concurrency Analysis
Sai Zhang
- When Truth is Efficient: Analysing Concurrency. Ganesh Narayanaswamy (University of Oxford, UK)
- Pegasus: Automatic Barrier Inference for Stable Multithreaded Systems Monika Dhok, Rashmi Mudduluru and Murali Krishna Ramanathan (Indian Institute of Science, India)
- ConcBugAssist: Constraint Solving for Diagnosis and Repair of Concurrency Bugs Sepideh Khoshnood, Markus Kusano and Chao Wang (Virginia Tech, USA)
Symbolic Execution
Frank Tip
- Enhancing Reuse of Constraint Solutions to Improve Symbolic Execution. Xiangyang Jia, Carlo Ghezzi and Shi Ying (Wuhan University, China; Politecnico di Milano, Italy) [slides]
- S-Looper: Automatic Summarization for Multipath String Loops. Xiaofei Xie, Yang Liu, Wei Le, Xiaohong Li and Hongxu Chen (Tianjin University, China; Nanyang Technological University, Singapore; Iowa State University, USA)
- Experience Report: How is Dynamic Symbolic Execution Different from Manual Testing? — A Study on KLEE. Xiaoyin Wang, Lingming Zhang and Philip Tanofsky (University of Texas at San Antonio, USA; University of Texas at Dallas, USA) [slides]
Regression Testing
Gregg Rothermel
- Practical Regression Test Selection with Dynamic File Dependencies. Milos Gligoric, Lamyaa Eloussi and Darko Marinov (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA) — ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper
- Reliable Testing: Detecting State-Polluting Tests to Prevent Test Dependency. Alex Gyori, August Shi, Farah Hariri and Darko Marinov. (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)
- Empirical Evaluation of Pareto Efficient Multi Objective Regression Test Case Prioritisation. Michael G. Epitropakis, Shin Yoo, Mark Harman and Edmund Burke (University of Stirling, UK; University College London, UK)
Meet in lobby, walk to harbor
Search-based Algorithms
Milos Gligoric
- Optimizing Selection of Competing Features via Feedback-directed Evolutionary Algorithms. Tian Huat Tan, Yinxing Xue, Manman Chen, Jun Sun, Yang Liu and Jin Song Dong (Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore; National University of Singapore, Singapore; Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
- Automated Software Transplantation. Earl T. Barr, Mark Harman, Yue Jia, Alexandru Marginean and Justyna Petke (University College London, UK) — ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper [slides]
- Automating Performance Bottleneck Detection Using Search-based Application Profiling. Du Shen, Qi Luo, Denys Poshyvanyk and Mark Grechanik (College of William and Mary, USA; University of Illinois at Chicago, USA) [slides]
Darko Marinov
- Test-Case Generation for Runtime Analysis and Vice Versa: Verification of Aircraft Separation Assurance. Marko Dimjasevic and Dimitra Giannakopoulou (University of Utah, USA; NASA Ames Research Center, USA) [slides]
- Reliability Assessment for Distributed Systems Via Communication Abstraction and Refinement. Lin Gui, Jun Sun, Yang Liu and Jin Song Dong (National University of Singapore, Singapore; Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore; Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
- Reusing Constraint Proofs in Program Analysis. Andrea Aquino, Francesco Bianchi, Meixian Chen, Giovanni Denaro and Mauro Pezzè (University of Lugano, Switzerland; University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy) [slides]
Lunch (provided)
Random Testing
Wei Le
- Feedback-controlled Random Test Generation. Kohsuke Yatoh, Kazunori Sakamoto, Fuyuki Ishikawa and Shinichi Honiden (University of Tokyo, Japan; National Institute of Informatics, Japan) — Best artifact award [slides]
- Randomized Stress-Testing of Link-Time Optimizers. Vu Le, Chengnian Sun and Zhendong Su (University of California at Davis, USA) [slides]
- Automated Unit Test Generation during Software Development: A Controlled Experiment and Think-Aloud Observations. José Miguel Rojas, Gordon Fraser and Andrea Arcuri (University of Sheffield, UK; Scienta, Norway; University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg) [slides]
Domain-specific testing
Sreedevi Sampath
- Calculation Coverage Testing in Scientific Applications. Yoshiki Sato, Shumpei Hozumi and Shigeru Chiba (University of Tokyo, Japan)
- Automatic Fault Injection for Driver Robustness Testing. Kai Cong, Li Lei, Zhenkun Yang and Fei Xie (Portland State University, USA)
- Preventing Data Errors with Continuous Testing. Kıvanç Muşlu, Yuriy Brun and Alexandra Meliou (University of Washington, USA; University of Massachusetts, USA) [slides]
Model-based Testing
Jim Clause
- Automatic Generation of System Test Cases from Use Case Specifications. Chunhui Wang, Fabrizio Pastore, Arda Goknil, Lionel Briand and Muhammad Zohaib Iqbal (University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg; National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, Pakistan)
- Applying A Restricted Natural Language Based Test Case Generation Approach in An Industrial Context. Tao Yue, Shaukat Ali and Man Zhang (Simula Research Laboratory, Norway; University of Oslo, Norway)
Michal Young